
3850 Foothills Rd #9,
Las Cruces, NM 88011

Welcome to Aria Wellness

(575) 680-0484

Las Cruces' Leading Alternative Medicine Clinic

The Body/Emotion Code

Let’s release the baggage that keeps you from experiencing your best life – one filled with inner peace, wisdom and power. It is nothing short of amazing what  energetic  healing can do for you. Phenomenal results take place when you decide to change your life and release the trauma of the past.  Whether slow and subtle or immediate and jaw-dropping, the techniques are effective.  Book  your  session now.  Let’s get started!


Most everyone is familiar with the saying ”doing the same thing over and over again yet expecting different results is a form of insanity.” What I have found to be true, however, is that when an event happened in my life – someone said something or did something that pushed my reactor button, I didn’t feel like I had any control over the flood of emotions and the immediate, automatic, knee-jerk reactions that resulted from those emotions.


Not until I’d cleared dozens of trapped emotions did I begin to notice something very different in how I responded to events. I noticed that I had greater awareness and had developed a ‘pause button’. The pause that began occurring after an event or conversation gave me just what I needed: a moment to be able to choose exactly how I wanted to respond. No more knee jerk reactions! If you find yourself experiencing similar events with the same old responses that are causing more harm than good, you may find that a few Body/Emotion Code sessions are just what you need to put you back in charge of your life.


The Body/Emotion Code was created to clear our mind, body and soul of the energies that keep us trapped in old behaviors that no longer serve a useful purpose in our lives. Clearing these energies from our bodies has an even greater bonus. Without the specific frequencies of the trapped emotions within our body weighing us down, our body then has an even greater ability to heal itself. Pain often disappears. Many people describe feeling lighter, as if a load has been lifted off their shoulders. Balance and harmony in relationships – relationship with yourself and others – become more common.


Take your life back, enjoy better health, better relationships and finally be free from the insanity of doing the same things over and over again, and begin experiencing more positive results.  Initial sessions last approximately one and one-half hours, after that, sessions last up to an hour – with the release of as many emotions as your body is able to process – usually five to nine per session.


Questions are asked of the body using muscle testing, also known as kinesiology. Imbalances are located and corrected or cleared energetically, quickly and efficiently.


In approximately 20% of sessions, the release of trapped emotions or other energies may result in processing, where echoes of the emotions or other energies released may manifest in temporary physical or emotional discomfort, This processing appears to be a normal part of regaining energetic balance. It is possible that you may have some symptoms of this processing, such as emotional ups and downs, vivid dreams, trouble sleeping or a bit of fatigue, or none of the above.  If you do, don’t worry, it’s just part of the healing process and usually only lasts for a day.

Contact Sharon Weaver

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Ph. +1 (575) 430 1557


Las Cruces Office at Aria Wellness: 
1st Monday of each month

Alamogordo Tuesday – Friday and an occasional Saturday morning.


 Facetime and Skype sessions also available

Call  now for Appointment –  575-430-1557



Like the practice of medicine, The Emotion Code, The Body Code, PSYCH-K® and Reiki are not absolute, exact sciences.  All services are for self-improvement purposes, not for the diagnosis or treatment of any mental, behavioral or physical ailment. These practices are not a substitute for standard medical care.



*Katie Trujillo,  as well as any other colonic therapist at Aria Wellness is not a physician, nor do any of the colonic therapists at Aria Wellness provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. We provide general educational information only, and do  not provide personal medical advice. The information provided is not intended, nor should it be used as, a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


The contents of the Aria Wellness website, including all written information and materials, such as text, graphics, images, and other material (hereafter “Content”) are for general informational purposes only. These are not intended, nor should they be relied upon as medical advice. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical diagnosis, treatment, or guidance. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your personal health situation or medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or seen on the website. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately.