Las Cruces' Leading Alternative Medicine Clinic
Cell-U-Lift Infrared Sauna Wrap
What is Far-Infrared therapy and how does it work toward healing the body?
Far infrared therapy provides two factors that are essential for good health: cellular detoxification and good circulation. The health of the whole system depends on the movement of blood and energy throughout. Detoxification and good circulation result in adequate exchange of nutrients into cells, reduced inflammation, loss of excess weight.
Far infrared ray energy, also known as radiant heat, is a part of the natural light spectrum of sunlight, minus the skin damaging ultraviolet rays, which is why NASA spacecraft has utilized this heat. Far-Infrared rays are rays that promote bioprocesses such as increased metabolism and blood circulation, and can raise core body temperature. Far-infrared can penetrate up to 1-.5 inches, exciting the vibrational energy of molecules and resonating with cellular frequencies.
Over 2000 years ago, the famous Greek physician Parmenides stated "give me a chance to create fever, and I will cure any disease". This traditional wisdom has certainly stood the test of time. A typical infrared sauna session causes a brief 1-3 degree increase in body temperature. Fever is the body's defense against bacteria, microbes and consequent infection. This beneficial side effect triggers the production of white blood cells (leukocytes) by your bone marrow and killer T cells by your thymus, resulting in strengthening the immune system.Due to the healing power of heat, Far-Infrared provides a safe natural form of detoxification [reducing toxic body burdens of heavy metals, nonmetallic toxins, volatile hydrocarbons, solvent residues, PCB's, pesticides, herbicide residues and other synthetic chemicals], which is critical for reversing health disorders and re-establishing good health. Studies now confirm that diet and environmental chemicals cause 95% of cancers. Furthermore, we have learned that stored toxic chemicals can mimic any disease.
How can far infrared sauna therapy make a tremendous impact on cellular detoxification of heavy metals and toxic chemicals?
Although the skin is a major eliminative organ, most people's skin is very inactive. Many people do not sweat possibly due to synthetic or tight clothing which do not breathe. Sedentary living and sun damage also inactivate the skin. As these chemicals build up, they alter our metabolism, cause enzyme dysfunction and nutritional deficiencies, create hormonal imbalances, damage brain chemistry, and cause cancer. As the chemicals accumulate in different parts of the body and at different rates and in different combinations, there is a disturbingly large variety of different chronic illnesses which can result. Studies now confirm that diet and environmental chemicals cause 95% of cancers. Un-detoxified chemicals can mimic any disease and chronic diseases that were thought to have no known cause often disappear once toxic chemicals are gone. The Far-Infrared Sauna is among the safest, most efficacious, economical way of depurating stored toxins. Researchers have discovered that the use of the Far Infrared spectrum sauna was most effective in the removal of a vast amount of toxins via the skin, thereby bypassing the kidney and oftentimes the use of oral or intravenous chelating agents. The Far Infrared sauna is far safer and more tolerable than a conventional sauna because the Far Infrared energy is just below the microwave spectrum. To confirm this concept, place the palms of your hands a few inches apart. The radiant heat which you feel is the far infrared energy generated by the body. "Touch Therapy" healers have used this energy for centuries, and it is often included in many yoga positions for self-healing purposes.
Heating the body helps destroy bacteria, viruses and tumors. Saunas work largely by promoting detoxification through the sweat. Sweating promotes elimination of toxic chemicals, heavy metals [Aluminum, Antimony, Arsenic, Barium, Bismuth, Cadmium, Lead, Mercury, Nickel, Thallium, Tin, Uranium], radiation and other toxins. The skin's ability to eliminate poisons increases. One study found that the sweat formed in conventional saunas is 95 to 97 percent water. In infra-red saunas, only 80 to 85 percent of the sweat is composed of water; the remaining 15 to 20 percent consists of cholesterol, fat-soluble toxins, toxic heavy metals, sulfuric acid, sodium, ammonia and uric acid. Saunas offer many of the benefits of exercise while requiring much less exertion. Saunas also stimulate cells to release toxins, which can then be eliminated by the liver and bowel.
How does FIR facilitate weight loss? What about cellulite loss?
The Far Infrared Sauna not only purifies fat cells, but it burns calories (up to 500 calories in one full session has been calculated to burn as many calories as a six mile run (and have the same beneficial cardiovascular effects) and controls weight. The Utilizations of Far Infrared Ray (FIR) has been testified to be one of the most effective and scientific methods for weight-loss or body re-shaping. All the life-forms on earth naturally have activation of cells and flourishing metabolism with the radiation of FIR.FIR radiation penetrates under skin, muscle and bone, resulting in heat moxibustion, which speeds up blood circulation, cell activating and metabolizing of cells. When the activity frequency between molecules and atoms from cells becomes unanimous with FIR frequency, the energy will be rapidly absorbed by organism cells, resulting in resonance and fiercer molecule oscillation. Thus, catabolism is enhanced and unwanted fat is decomposed accordingly. Far Infrared Ray (FIR) even improves and clears cellulite. Cellulite is a gel-like substance made up of fat, water and wastes which are trapped in pockets below the skin. Profuse sweating, induced by the infrared sauna, can assist in eliminating this unwanted debris from the body. In Asia and Europe FIR has already revolutionized health and beauty products. Infrared energy is not only safe, but also highly beneficial for our bodies. European Beauty Specialists confirm that a sauna will greatly speed any anti-cellulite program. Due to at least twice the depth of heat penetration into cellulite combined with up to 10 times the level of heating in these tissues your infrared sauna can be significantly more effective than any conventional sauna. It is also important to remain hydrated. For best results drink water prior, during and after your sauna session. Do not apply excess body lotion to your body prior to a sauna session.
Far Infrared Saunas heats the body while the air remains cool. Sweating begins quickly and the experience is rather pleasant.
*Katie Trujillo, as well as any other colonic therapist at Aria Wellness is not a physician, nor do any of the colonic therapists at Aria Wellness provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. We provide general educational information only, and do not provide personal medical advice. The information provided is not intended, nor should it be used as, a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
The contents of the Aria Wellness website, including all written information and materials, such as text, graphics, images, and other material (hereafter “Content”) are for general informational purposes only. These are not intended, nor should they be relied upon as medical advice. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical diagnosis, treatment, or guidance. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your personal health situation or medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or seen on the website. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately.