
3850 Foothills Rd #9,
Las Cruces, NM 88011

Welcome to Aria Wellness

(575) 680-0484

Las Cruces' Leading Alternative Medicine Clinic

PSYCH-K® Facilitation

You will be amazed to see how easily limiting beliefs can be changed. You will be even more amazed by how different your life will be!


Rewrite the software of your mind with PSYCH-K®



These beliefs are usually subconscious and the effect of life-long programming.

As a result of past conditioning, we sometimes think and behave in ways that do not serve us.


Conscious thoughts can be changed easily by simply receiving information: reading a book, having a conversation, or seeing the results of actions. If conscious information was all that was needed, then experiencing success in all areas of life would be easy.


Unless changes are made at the subconscious level, however, repeating undesired reactions and behaviors will likely continue.

Subconscious beliefs have far reaching consequences, both positive and negative, in every aspect of life. They affect moods, relationships, job performance, self-esteem, and even physical health.

Changing limited or negative subconscious beliefs into beliefs that support your goals and aspirations is what PSYCH-K®  is all about.



Aligning your thinking and your actions gets your subconscious and conscious aspects all facing the same direction.

PSYCH-K® provides a variety of safe and effective ways to “rewrite the software of the mind” by changing beliefs that limit you into beliefs that support you… simply and easily.


Originated in 1988, PSYCH-K® directly facilitates communication between the conscious and subconscious portions of the mind. It also includes processes to increase the “cross talk” between the two brain hemispheres resulting in a “whole-brain” state, dramatically reducing the resistance to changing outdated subconscious programs.


PSYCH-K® is the missing piece in your life that helps you find the peace in life you are missing.



Change subconscious beliefs simply and easily, allowing you to…

  • Experience abundance in every aspect of life
  • Reduce stress and anxiety
  • Enhance career opportunities
  • Develop relationships you desire and deserve
  • Increase your sense of well-being
  • Actualize the amazing healing power of the mind
  • Increase sports performance
  • Release post-traumatic stress
  • Re-perceive fears and phobias to feel at peace
  • Eliminate destructive habits
  • Accelerate spiritual development



Ready to get your beliefs in gear?

Sharon facilitates Private Sessions to target specific changes you want to make in your life. Experience the expansion out of subconscious limitations and into self-enhancing responses – physically, behaviorally, and emotionally.



Watch the following videos at  http://www.reikienergyworks.net/about-energetic-healing/psych-k/ for more information and to prepare you for your own PSYCH-K® session.


Call Sharon today to schedule your appointment. Let’s get started!



Contact Sharon Weaver

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Ph. +1 (575) 430 1557


Las Cruces Office at Aria Wellness: 
1st Monday of each month

Alamogordo Tuesday – Friday and an occasional Saturday morning.


 Facetime and Skype sessions also available

Call  now for Appointment –  575-430-1557



Like the practice of medicine, The Emotion Code, The Body Code, PSYCH-K® and Reiki are not absolute, exact sciences.  All services are for self-improvement purposes, not for the diagnosis or treatment of any mental, behavioral or physical ailment. These practices are not a substitute for standard medical care.



*Katie Trujillo,  as well as any other colonic therapist at Aria Wellness is not a physician, nor do any of the colonic therapists at Aria Wellness provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. We provide general educational information only, and do  not provide personal medical advice. The information provided is not intended, nor should it be used as, a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


The contents of the Aria Wellness website, including all written information and materials, such as text, graphics, images, and other material (hereafter “Content”) are for general informational purposes only. These are not intended, nor should they be relied upon as medical advice. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical diagnosis, treatment, or guidance. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your personal health situation or medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or seen on the website. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately.